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1. the way in which a particular word is said by someone 3. the form of a verb that shows the time 6. a word that is used to describe an action or activity, what you do or did or want to do 7. the form of a word which shows that you are talking about more than one person or object, for example two or three or ten 8. the basic form of a verb, which has not been changed by adding a "s" or "ed" and that you can find in every dictionary 10. the rules by which words are changed to form sentences 11. starts with a capital letter, in most cases a group of words with a subject and a verb 12. people use this way of speaking in a particular country 13. you use this word when you talk about only one person or only one object
1. a word that is used before a noun to show where you are or when you want to come 2. a word that is used before a noun to show that you mean only this one before your eyes or that you mean the general group it belongs to 4. the reasons you give why something happened or why you did something 5. the idea what a particular word stands for 9. all the words that someone knows, learns and uses, be it in his mother language or in a foreign language